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CTI Butler ingests STIX structured data from popular CTI knowledge-bases and links it altogether as follows…

Does this not already exist?

Surprisingly, no.

Many TIPs have custom implementations of a few of the knowledge-bases we support but don’t store the data as pure STIX. Those that do are more focused on joining the objects to intelligence research than other knowledge-bases.

We wanted to write search queries like; what Sigma Rules are affected by CVE-XXXX, and what ATT&CK techniques are used when exploiting said vulnerability?

Our team could find nothing that existed with such rich relationships between knowledge-bases allowing us to do this, so we set out to build CTI Butler.

Where does the data that powers CTI Butler come from?

CTI Butler uses the following CTI knowledge-bases:

  1. MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise
  3. MITRE ATT&CK Mobile
  6. NVD CVE
  7. NVD CPE
  8. Sigma Rules
  9. YARA Rules
  10. DISARM Red Framework

All ten sources provide STIX 2.1 Bundles of the data.

Where is all this data stored by CTI Butler?

If you have used any of our tools you will know we use ArangoDB to store STIX objects.

I will not explain why we use ArangoDB here, this post from Sekoia explains it much better than I ever could.

To get the Bundles into ArangoDB we use a small utility our team built called stix2arango. In short stix2arango;

  1. takes a STIX bundle (from one of the aforementioned sources)
  2. creates an ArangoDB Database / Collections to store the knowledge-base data (if they do not already exist)
  3. inserts the data

To elaborate on step 2, all data is stored in an ArangoDB database called “CTI”.

The collections for each knowledge-base source are named as follows;

  1. MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise (mitre_attack_enterprise_vertex_collection / mitre_attack_enterprise_edge_collection)
  2. MITRE ATT&CK ICS (mitre_attack_ics_vertex_collection / mitre_attack_ics_edge_collection)
  3. MITRE ATT&CK Mobile (mitre_attack_mobile_vertex_collection / mitre_attack_mobile_edge_collection)
  4. MITRE CAPEC (mitre_capec_vertex_collection / mitre_capec_edge_collection)
  5. MITRE CWE (mitre_cwe_vertex_collection / mitre_cwe_edge_collection)
  6. NVD CVE (nvd_cve_vertex_collection / nvd_cve_edge_collection)
  7. NVD CPE (nvd_cpe_vertex_collection / nvd_cpe_edge_collection)
  8. Sigma Rules (sigma_rules_vertex_collection / sigma_rules_edge_collection)
  9. YARA Rules (yara_rules_vertex_collection / yara_rules_edge_collection)
  10. DISARM Red Framework (disarm_vertex_collection / disarm_edge_collection)

Note, the *_edge collections hold STIX Relationship objects from the knowledge-base bundles (in addition to the ones created by stix2arango, as described in this post), and the *_vertex collections hold all the other STIX objects present in the bundles.

Versioning of Objects

Most knowledge-bases supported by CTI Butler are versioned.

Take ATT&CK as an example, you can see in the ATT&CK repository the various versions of the Enterprise Matrix.

The only exceptions to this is for the NVD data, whereby the STIX Bundles are grouped (by cve2stix and cpe2stix) by the time of the last update for the CVE or CPE respectively. The reason for this is simple, the CVE and CPE dataset is HUGE. A single bundle of all CVE STIX objects would easily exceed 2GB.

stix2arango also takes care of versioning of each knowledge-base, allowing users to retrieve objects by a specific version of a knowledge-base.

If an object with a non-unique STIX id is inserted, but a different modified time value, stix2arango will ensure the latest version (highest modified time) is marked with the hidden property _is_latest==true (all other versions of the same object will be market _is_latest==false).

This allows for the latest version of each knowledge-base to be easily retrieve the latest version of each object.

For example, to always get the latest version of MITRE ATT&CK in CTI Butler I can use the query:

FOR doc IN mitre_attack_enterprise_vertex_collection
    FILTER _is_latest == true
    RETURN [doc]

CTI Butler also uses another feature of stix2arango to track versioning. When passing a STIX Bundle to stix2arango the --stix2arango_note flag is used to add the version of the knowledgebase the Object was inserted from.

Take each ATT&CK Bundle for example, CTI Butler currently uses the flags; --stix2arango_note 15.0, --stix2arango_note 14.1, --stix2arango_note 14.0, and so on (for each available ATT&CK version).

Here is an example of a full stix2arango command used by CTI Butler for inserting version 14.0 of the ATT&CK Enterprise STIX Bundle:

python3 stix2arango.py \
    --file enterprise-attack-14.0.json \
    --database cti-butler \
    --collection mitre_attack_enterprise \
    --stix2arango_note v14.0

This allows you to write queries to get specific versions of each knowledge.

Here is how I would then request all software objects in ATT&CK version 14;

FOR doc IN mitre_attack_enterprise_vertex_collection
    FILTER doc.type == "tool"
    AND doc._stix2arango_note == "v14.0"
    RETURN [doc]

How (and why) the knowledge-bases in CTI Butler are joined

One of my favourite features of CTI Butler is the relationships it creates between different knowledge-bases it holds once they’re imported.

At a high-level the data in CTI Butler is joined follows:

  1. CAPEC (attack-pattern) -> ATT&CK (attack-pattern) [technique]
  2. CAPEC (attack-pattern) -> CWE (weakness) [exploits]
  3. CWE (weakness) -> CAPEC (attack-pattern) [exploited-using]
  4. ATT&CK (attack-pattern) -> CAPEC (attack-pattern) [relies-on]
  5. Sigma Rule (indicator) -> ATT&CK (attack-pattern) [detects]
  6. Sigma Rule (indicator) -> CVE (vulnerability) [detects]
  7. CVE (vulnerability) -> CWE (weakness) [exploited-using]
  8. CVE (indicator) -> CPE (software) [pattern-contains]

The parenthesis (()) in the list above denote the STIX Object types in each knowledge-base that are used as the source_ref and target_ref used to create the joins. The square brackets ([]) define the STIX relationship_type used in the relationship object used to link them.

You can see all this visually here:

By linking the data in a graph structure like this allows for the traversal of the knowledge graph, or put in plain English; allows for the enrichment of knowledge-bases.

Take the example of a CVE being linked to a CPE. If an SBOM contained a specific CPE, it is easy to traverse the graph and find out what CVEs it is linked to.

Similarly CVEs being linked to ATT&CK Techniques. By classifying CVEs by ATT&CK Technique, it becomes simpler to understand how something is vulnerable and more-so, whether the appropriate controls are in place to either detect or remediate it.

Like most security products, the way the data is joined is fairly simplistic (although there are no smoke-and-mirrors here!).

CTI Butler is not directly responsible for these joins. That is done by another utility of ours called, arango_cti_processor.

Let me show you…

1. CAPEC (attack-pattern) -> ATT&CK (attack-pattern)

All CAPEC objects are stored by stix2arango in an ArangoDB Collection called mitre_capec_vertex_collection.

CAPEC attack-pattern STIX Objects in this collection can contain one of more external_references.source_name=ATTACK.

Take CAPEC-112 (attack-pattern--7b423196-9de6-400f-91de-a1f26b3f19f1) as an example:

            "external_references": [
                    "external_id": "CAPEC-112",
                    "source_name": "capec",
                    "url": "https://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/112.html"
                    "external_id": "CWE-330",
                    "source_name": "cwe",
                    "url": "http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/330.html"
                    "external_id": "CWE-326",
                    "source_name": "cwe",
                    "url": "http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/326.html"
                    "external_id": "CWE-521",
                    "source_name": "cwe",
                    "url": "http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/521.html"
                    "description": "Brute Force",
                    "external_id": "T1110",
                    "source_name": "ATTACK",
                    "url": "https://attack.mitre.org/wiki/Technique/T1110"
                    "description": "Brute Force",
                    "external_id": "11",
                    "source_name": "WASC",
                    "url": "http://projects.webappsec.org/Brute-Force"
                    "description": "Brute force attack",
                    "source_name": "OWASP Attacks",
                    "url": "https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/Brute_force_attack"

See how one external_references.source_name=ATTACK is shown, with external_references.external_id=T1110 (this is an ATT&CK Technique ID).

arango_cti_processor uses these references to create a STIX relationship Objects with the CAPEC object as the source_ref and the ATT&CK object as the target_ref.

ATT&CK technique objects (always attack-patterns) are stored in one of three ArangoDB Collections by stix2arango:

  1. mitre_attack_enterprise_vertex_collection
  2. mitre_attack_mobile_vertex_collection
  3. mitre_attack_ics_vertex_collection

The objects can looked up in these collections by searching for external_references.source_name=mitre-attack and the corresponding ATT&CK ID (e.g. T1110).

For example, here is a snippet of ATT&CK T1110 found in the the mitre_attack_enterprise_vertex_collection (attack-pattern--a93494bb-4b80-4ea1-8695-3236a49916fd) that would be linked to from CAPEC-112:

            "external_references": [
                    "source_name": "mitre-attack",
                    "url": "https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1110",
                    "external_id": "T1110"
                    "source_name": "TrendMicro Pawn Storm Dec 2020",
                    "description": "Hacquebord, F., Remorin, L. (2020, December 17). Pawn Storm\u2019s Lack of Sophistication as a Strategy. Retrieved January 13, 2021.",
                    "url": "https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/20/l/pawn-storm-lack-of-sophistication-as-a-strategy.html"
                    "source_name": "Dragos Crashoverride 2018",
                    "description": "Joe Slowik. (2018, October 12). Anatomy of an Attack: Detecting and Defeating CRASHOVERRIDE. Retrieved December 18, 2020.",
                    "url": "https://www.dragos.com/wp-content/uploads/CRASHOVERRIDE2018.pdf"

So in this case, one relationship object would be generated by arango_cti_processor with the following values:

  • relationship 1
    • "source_ref": "attack-pattern--7b423196-9de6-400f-91de-a1f26b3f19f1" (CAPEC-112)
    • "target_ref": "attack-pattern--a93494bb-4b80-4ea1-8695-3236a49916fd" (ATT&CK Enterprise T1110)
    • "relationship_type": "technique"

Here is the full SRO that would be created:

    "type": "relationship",
    "spec_version": "2.1",
    "id": "relationship--4a1b2d43-6d6d-5b3b-a7c8-b66ec17ce3d0",
    "created_by_ref": "identity--2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3",
    "created": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "modified": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "relationship_type": "technique",
    "source_ref": "attack-pattern--7b423196-9de6-400f-91de-a1f26b3f19f1",
    "target_ref": "attack-pattern--a93494bb-4b80-4ea1-8695-3236a49916fd",
    "object_marking_refs": [

To generate the ID of SROs, a UUIDv5 is generated using the namespace 2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3 and the relationship_type+source_collection_name/source_ref+target_collection_name/target_ref values.

Using the example above this would be:

  • namespace: 2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3
  • value technique+mitre_capec_vertex_collection+attack-pattern--7b423196-9de6-400f-91de-a1f26b3f19f1+mitre_attack_enterprise_vertex_collection+attack-pattern--a93494bb-4b80-4ea1-8695-3236a49916fd

Gives a UUID v5 of 4a1b2d43-6d6d-5b3b-a7c8-b66ec17ce3d0.

All generated objects are stored in the source edge collection, mitre_capec_edge_collection.

2. CAPEC (attack-pattern) -> CWE (weakness)

This relationship is created in much the same way as CAPEC (attack-pattern) -> ATT&CK (attack-pattern) relationships.

You will see in the previous snippet of the CAPEC-112 STIX object (attack-pattern--7b423196-9de6-400f-91de-a1f26b3f19f1) there are also external_references.source_name=cwe references.

The external_references.external_id defines the CWEs linked to this CAPEC, in this example; CWE-330, CWE-326, CWE-521.

CWE objects (weakness) are stored in an ArangoDB Collection by stix2arango called mitre_cwe_vertex_collection.

And again, in a similar way, CWE weakness objects can be identified . Here is a snippet of the STIX object for CWE-330 (weakness--5c1cf10b-dc31-5536-a1b5-dc5094e7f4b2):

            "external_references": [
                    "source_name": "cwe",
                    "url": "http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/330.html",
                    "external_id": "CWE-330"
                    "source_name": "Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology",
                    "url": "https://csrc.nist.gov/csrc/media/publications/fips/140/2/final/documents/fips1402.pdf",
                    "external_id": "REF-267"
                    "source_name": "John Viega, Gary McGraw",
                    "description": "Building Secure Software: How to Avoid Security Problems the Right Way",
                    "external_id": "REF-207"
                    "source_name": "Michael Howard, David LeBlanc",
                    "description": "Writing Secure Code",
                    "url": "https://www.microsoftpressstore.com/store/writing-secure-code-9780735617223",
                    "external_id": "REF-7"

So in this case, three relationship objects would be generated by arango_cti_processor with the following values:

  • relationship 1
    • "source_ref": "attack-pattern--7b423196-9de6-400f-91de-a1f26b3f19f1" (CAPEC-112)
    • "target_ref": "weakness--5c1cf10b-dc31-5536-a1b5-dc5094e7f4b2" (CWE-330)
    • "relationship_type": "exploits"
  • relationship 2
    • "source_ref": "attack-pattern--7b423196-9de6-400f-91de-a1f26b3f19f1" (CAPEC-112)
    • "target_ref": "weakness--3f87bca2-8785-543e-906e-cf2adb753c31" (CWE-326)
    • "relationship_type": "exploits"
  • relationship 3
    • "source_ref": "attack-pattern--7b423196-9de6-400f-91de-a1f26b3f19f1" (CAPEC-112)
    • "target_ref": "weakness--de02e88c-42c5-5ddf-b5d1-1c8aeac79926" (CWE-521)
    • "relationship_type": "exploits"

Here is the full SRO that would be created for relationship 1:

    "type": "relationship",
    "spec_version": "2.1",
    "id": "relationship--a17c9525-c535-5ad9-b431-20f6568fef71",
    "created_by_ref": "identity--2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3",
    "created": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "modified": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "relationship_type": "exploits",
    "source_ref": "attack-pattern--7b423196-9de6-400f-91de-a1f26b3f19f1",
    "target_ref": "weakness--5c1cf10b-dc31-5536-a1b5-dc5094e7f4b2",
    "object_marking_refs": [

To generate the ID of SRO;

  • namespace: 2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3
  • value exploits+mitre_capec_vertex_collection+attack-pattern--7b423196-9de6-400f-91de-a1f26b3f19f1+mitre_cwe_vertex_collection+weakness--5c1cf10b-dc31-5536-a1b5-dc5094e7f4b2

Gives a UUID v5 of a17c9525-c535-5ad9-b431-20f6568fef71.

3. CWE (weakness) -> CAPEC (attack-pattern)

The joins happen in a similar way to the previous two examples, using data found in the external_references of both STIX objects.

As noted earlier CWE objects are stored by stix2arango in the mitre_cwe_vertex_collection and CAPEC objects in the mitre_capec_vertex_collection.

Taking an example CWE from the mitre_cwe_vertex_collection, this time CWE-1007 (weakness--94110a45-2221-5fb5-aa09-322b8dfc4b6a).

            "external_references": [
                    "source_name": "cwe",
                    "url": "http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/1007.html",
                    "external_id": "CWE-1007"
                    "source_name": "Michael Howard, David LeBlanc",
                    "description": "Writing Secure Code",
                    "url": "https://www.microsoftpressstore.com/store/writing-secure-code-9780735617223",
                    "external_id": "REF-7"
                    "source_name": "Gregory Baatard, Peter Hannay",
                    "description": "The 2011 IDN Homograph Attack Mitigation Survey",
                    "url": "http://ro.ecu.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1174&context=ecuworks2012",
                    "external_id": "REF-8"
                    "source_name": "capec",
                    "url": "https://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/632.html",
                    "external_id": "CAPEC-632"

Here joins to CAPEC from CWEs can be found where external_references.source_name=capec, where the actual CAPEC ID is found under the external_references.external_id property, in this case CAPEC-632 (attack-pattern--c4e18b3f-0445-49e8-9bf1-d47a23082501)

So in this case, one relationship object would be generated by arango_cti_processor with the following values:

  • relationship 1
    • "source_ref": "weakness--94110a45-2221-5fb5-aa09-322b8dfc4b6a" (CWE-1007)
    • "target_ref": "attack-pattern--c4e18b3f-0445-49e8-9bf1-d47a23082501" (CAPEC-632)
    • "relationship_type": "exploited-using"

Here is the full SRO:

    "type": "relationship",
    "spec_version": "2.1",
    "id": "relationship--1f7a0bef-e81c-5535-94e8-93ba418c861a",
    "created_by_ref": "identity--2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3",
    "created": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "modified": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "relationship_type": "exploited-using",
    "source_ref": "weakness--94110a45-2221-5fb5-aa09-322b8dfc4b6a",
    "target_ref": "attack-pattern--c4e18b3f-0445-49e8-9bf1-d47a23082501",
    "object_marking_refs": [

To generate the ID of SRO;

  • namespace: 2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3
  • value exploited-using+mitre_cwe_vertex_collection+weakness--94110a45-2221-5fb5-aa09-322b8dfc4b6a+mitre_capec_vertex_collection+attack-pattern--c4e18b3f-0445-49e8-9bf1-d47a23082501

Gives a UUID v5 of 1f7a0bef-e81c-5535-94e8-93ba418c861a.

4. ATT&CK (attack-pattern) -> CAPEC (attack-pattern)

Again, external_references are used to generate the joins.

The source ATT&CK collections are:

  1. mitre_attack_enterprise_vertex_collection
  2. mitre_attack_mobile_vertex_collection (note, no current CAPECs referenced in the matrix (version 15.0))
  3. mitre_attack_ics_vertex_collection (note, no current CAPECs referenced in the matrix (version 15.0))

And the target CAPEC collection:

  1. mitre_capec_vertex_collection

As an example I will use T1044: File System Permissions Weakness (attack-pattern--0ca7beef-9bbc-4e35-97cf-437384ddce6a)

            "external_references": [
                    "source_name": "mitre-attack",
                    "external_id": "T1044",
                    "url": "https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1044"
                    "external_id": "CAPEC-17",
                    "source_name": "capec",
                    "url": "https://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/17.html"

Here we have a reference to CAPEC-17 (attack-pattern--9ad2c2eb-9939-4590-9683-2e789692d262).

So in this case, one relationship object would be generated by arango_cti_processor with the following values:

  • relationship 1
    • "source_ref": "attack-pattern--0ca7beef-9bbc-4e35-97cf-437384ddce6a" (ATT&CK Enterprise T1044)
    • "target_ref": "attack-pattern--9ad2c2eb-9939-4590-9683-2e789692d262" (CAPEC-17)
    • "relationship_type": "relies-on"

Here is the full SRO:

    "type": "relationship",
    "spec_version": "2.1",
    "id": "relationship--71516b78-02a9-5cc6-9079-5142f49b39f8",
    "created_by_ref": "identity--2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3",
    "created": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "modified": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "relationship_type": "relies-on",
    "source_ref": "attack-pattern--0ca7beef-9bbc-4e35-97cf-437384ddce6a",
    "target_ref": "attack-pattern--9ad2c2eb-9939-4590-9683-2e789692d262",
    "object_marking_refs": [

To generate the ID of SRO;

  • namespace: 2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3
  • value relies-on+mitre_attack_enterprise_vertex_collection+attack-pattern--0ca7beef-9bbc-4e35-97cf-437384ddce6a+mitre_capec_vertex_collection+attack-pattern--9ad2c2eb-9939-4590-9683-2e789692d262

Gives a UUID v5 of 71516b78-02a9-5cc6-9079-5142f49b39f8.

5. Sigma Rule (indicator) -> ATT&CK (attack-pattern or x-mitre-tactic)

I am sure you’re following along by now, Sigma Rules to ATT&CK object joins use the same logic as the last four examples.

Sigma Rules are stored by stix2arango in the collection sigma_rules_vertex_collection.

The ATT&CK target collections are:

  1. mitre_attack_enterprise_vertex_collection
  2. mitre_attack_mobile_vertex_collection
  3. mitre_attack_ics_vertex_collection

Here’s an example of Potential Compromised 3CXDesktopApp Update Activity (indicator--e7581747-1e44-4d4b-85a6-0db0b4a00f2a):

    "external_references": [
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "url",
            "url": "https://github.com/SigmaHQ/sigma/blob/master/rules-emerging-threats/2023/TA/3CX-Supply-Chain/proc_creation_win_malware_3cx_compromise_susp_update.yml"
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "id",
            "description": "e7581747-1e44-4d4b-85a6-0db0b4a00f2a"
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "reference",
            "description": "https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7047435754834198529/"
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "author",
            "description": "Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems)"
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "license",
            "description": "None"
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "detection",
            "description": "emerging_threats"
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "status",
            "description": "test"
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "level",
            "description": "high"
            "source_name": "ATTACK",
            "external_id": "technique",
            "description": "t1218"
            "source_name": "ATTACK",
            "external_id": "tactic",
            "description": "defense_evasion"
            "source_name": "ATTACK",
            "external_id": "tactic",
            "description": "execution"

Sigma objects contain ATT&CK Technique objects (attack-pattern), as per other examples. However, unlike other examples they also contain ATT&CK Tactics (x-mitre-tactic).

The way ATT&CK data is referenced in Sigma Rule Indicators is slightly different to the other examples, as is the way the STIX objects are searched.

For Techniques, that is where the objects is as follows:

            "source_name": "ATTACK",
            "external_id": "technique",

The description value in the object, e.g. t1218 above, is used to search ATT&CK objects in each ATT&CK collection using the external_references.external_id property.

So in this case, one relationship object would be generated with the following values:

  • relationship 1
    • "source_ref": "indicator--e7581747-1e44-4d4b-85a6-0db0b4a00f2a" (Sigma Rule: Potential Compromised 3CXDesktopApp Update Activity)
    • "target_ref": "attack-pattern--457c7820-d331-465a-915e-42f85500ccc4" (ATT&CK T1218)
    • "relationship_type": "relies-on"

For Tactics, that is where the objects is as follows:

            "source_name": "ATTACK",
            "external_id": "tactic",

The description value in the object, e.g. defense_evasion and execution above, is used to search ATT&CK objects in each ATT&CK collection using the name property.

However, before doing so any _ characters are replaces with a white-space. For example, in this example defense_evasion would become defense evasion.

So in this case, two relationship objects would be generated by arango_cti_processor with the following values:

  • relationship 1
    • "source_ref": "indicator--e7581747-1e44-4d4b-85a6-0db0b4a00f2a" (Sigma Rule: Potential Compromised 3CXDesktopApp Update Activity)
    • "target_ref": "x-mitre-tactic--78b23412-0651-46d7-a540-170a1ce8bd5a" (ATT&CK Enterprise TA0005)
    • "relationship_type": "detects"
  • relationship 2
    • "source_ref": "indicator--e7581747-1e44-4d4b-85a6-0db0b4a00f2a" (Sigma Rule: Potential Compromised 3CXDesktopApp Update Activity)
    • "target_ref": "x-mitre-tactic--4ca45d45-df4d-4613-8980-bac22d278fa5" (ATT&CK Enterprise TA0002)
    • "relationship_type": "detects"

Here is the full SRO for relationship 1:

    "type": "relationship",
    "spec_version": "2.1",
    "id": "relationship--38124280-c03e-5e59-8ed9-1585573d9d42",
    "created_by_ref": "identity--2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3",
    "created": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "modified": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "relationship_type": "detects",
    "source_ref": "indicator--e7581747-1e44-4d4b-85a6-0db0b4a00f2a",
    "target_ref": "x-mitre-tactic--78b23412-0651-46d7-a540-170a1ce8bd5a",
    "object_marking_refs": [

To generate the ID of SRO;

  • namespace: 2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3
  • value detects+sigma+rules_vertex_collection+indicator--e7581747-1e44-4d4b-85a6-0db0b4a00f2a+mitre_attack_enterprise_vertex_collection+x-mitre-tactic--78b23412-0651-46d7-a540-170a1ce8bd5a

Gives a UUID v5 of 38124280-c03e-5e59-8ed9-1585573d9d42.

6. Sigma Rule (indicator) -> CVE (vulnerability)

Sigma Rules are stored by stix2arango in the collection sigma_rules_vertex_collection.

CVEs are stored by stix2arango in the collection nvd_cve_vertex_collection.

Some Sigma Rules contain references to CVEs. Here is an example using the rule CVE-2020-0688 Exchange Exploitation via Web Log (indicator--fce2c2e2-0fb5-41ab-a14c-5391e1fd70a5):

    "external_references": [
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "url",
            "url": "https://github.com/SigmaHQ/sigma/blob/master/rules-emerging-threats/2020/Exploits/CVE-2020-0688/web_cve_2020_0688_msexchange.yml"
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "id",
            "description": "fce2c2e2-0fb5-41ab-a14c-5391e1fd70a5"
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "author",
            "description": "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)"
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "license",
            "description": "None"
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "detection",
            "description": "emerging_threats"
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "status",
            "description": "test"
            "source_name": "sigma-rule",
            "external_id": "level",
            "description": "critical"
            "source_name": "ATTACK",
            "external_id": "technique",
            "description": "t1190"
            "source_name": "ATTACK",
            "external_id": "tactic",
            "description": "initial_access"
            "source_name": "CVE",
            "external_id": "CVE-2020-0688",
            "url": "https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/cve-2020-0688"

Here where "source_name": "CVE", you can get the ID of the CVE under the external_id property (CVE-2020-0688, above).

Using this ID the name property of Vulnerability objects in the nvd_cve_vertex_collection can be searched. In this case CVE-2020-0688 matches to vulnerability--8b316cd4-34d2-5921-aa5b-9174d3fc1724.

So in this case, one relationship object would be generated with the following values:

  • relationship 1
    • "source_ref": "indicator--fce2c2e2-0fb5-41ab-a14c-5391e1fd70a5" (Sigma Rule CVE-2020-0688 Exchange Exploitation via Web Log)
    • "target_ref": "vulnerability--8b316cd4-34d2-5921-aa5b-9174d3fc1724" (CVE-2020-0688)
    • "relationship_type": "detects"

Here is the full SRO:

    "type": "relationship",
    "spec_version": "2.1",
    "id": "relationship--cec97877-ac13-5f34-90a3-56e7066ed2ed",
    "created_by_ref": "identity--2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3",
    "created": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "modified": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "relationship_type": "detects",
    "source_ref": "indicator--fce2c2e2-0fb5-41ab-a14c-5391e1fd70a5",
    "target_ref": "vulnerability--8b316cd4-34d2-5921-aa5b-9174d3fc1724",
    "object_marking_refs": [

To generate the ID of SRO;

  • namespace: 2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3
  • value detects+sigma+rules_vertex_collection+indicator--fce2c2e2-0fb5-41ab-a14c-5391e1fd70a5+nvd_cve_vertex_collection+vulnerability--8b316cd4-34d2-5921-aa5b-9174d3fc1724

Gives a UUID v5 of cec97877-ac13-5f34-90a3-56e7066ed2ed.

7. CVE (vulnerability) -> CWE (weakness)

This time the source objects (CVEs) are stored by stix2arango in the collection nvd_cve_vertex_collection, and the target objects (CWEs) taken from the collection mitre_cwe_vertex_collection.

As an example, CVE-2023-49355 (vulnerability--0078c56a-6545-53cd-ace6-695a775e8fd4):

        "external_references": [
                "source_name": "cve",
                "url": "https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-49355",
                "external_id": "CVE-2023-49355"
                "source_name": "cwe",
                "url": "https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/CWE-787.html",
                "external_id": "CWE-787"

Contains an external_references to CWE-787 (weakness--5d0a9fae-053c-5312-a13f-64c6d6fa763d).

So in this case, one relationship object would be generated with the following values:

  • relationship 1
    • "source_ref": "vulnerability--0078c56a-6545-53cd-ace6-695a775e8fd4" (ATT&CK T1044)
    • "target_ref": "attack-pattern--9ad2c2eb-9939-4590-9683-2e789692d262" (CAPEC-17)
    • "relationship_type": "exploited-using"

Here is the full SRO:

    "type": "relationship",
    "spec_version": "2.1",
    "id": "relationship--ffe7fcc0-17a5-5da7-8a89-4c56fef63717",
    "created_by_ref": "identity--2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3",
    "created": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "modified": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "relationship_type": "exploited-using",
    "source_ref": "vulnerability--0078c56a-6545-53cd-ace6-695a775e8fd4",
    "target_ref": "attack-pattern--9ad2c2eb-9939-4590-9683-2e789692d262",
    "object_marking_refs": [

To generate the ID of SRO;

  • namespace: 2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3
  • value exploited-using+nvd_cve_vertex_collection+vulnerability--0078c56a-6545-53cd-ace6-695a775e8fd4+mitre_capec_vertex_collection+attack-pattern--9ad2c2eb-9939-4590-9683-2e789692d262

Gives a UUID v5 of ffe7fcc0-17a5-5da7-8a89-4c56fef63717.

8. CVE (indicator) -> CPE (software)

STOP HERE IF YOUR SKIMMING – here the way joins are generated is different to the previous examples.

(CVEs) are stored by stix2arango in the collection nvd_cve_vertex_collection, and the target objects (CPEs) taken from the collection nvd_cpe_vertex_collection.

However, CVE STIX Indicator objects list CPEs in the pattern property. Take CVE-2023-48662 (indicator--f98fd4d1-af26-5dd2-b26c-3fde56527193) as an example:

"pattern": "([((software:cpe='cpe:2.3:a:dell:solutions_enabler_virtual_appliance:-:*:*:*:*:*:*:*') OR (software:cpe='cpe:2.3:a:dell:solutions_enabler_virtual_appliance:-:*:*:*:eem:*:*:*') OR (software:cpe='cpe:2.3:a:dell:solutions_enabler_virtual_appliance:*:*:*:*:*:*:*')) OR ((software:cpe='cpe:2.3:a:dell:unisphere_for_powermax_virtual_appliance:-:*:*:*:*:*:*:*') OR (software:cpe='cpe:2.3:a:dell:unisphere_for_powermax_virtual_appliance:*:*:*:*:*:*:*')) OR ((software:cpe='cpe:2.3:o:dell:powermax_os:5978:*:*:*:eem:*:*:*'))])",

Here six CPE IDs are found in the pattern.

Using these CPEs IDs, the Software objects in the nvd_cpe_vertex_collection are searched (using the cpe property) for matches.

For the above we get the following:

  • CPE ID: cpe:2.3:a:dell:solutions_enabler_virtual_appliance:-:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
    • STIX ID:software--ba1f35c0-0fdb-50e4-8e46-53fe85708e8c
  • cpe:2.3:a:dell:solutions_enabler_virtual_appliance:-:*:*:*:eem:*:*:*
    • STIX ID: software--544e6013-9bf4-5d56-a2d3-7f4cfaae1b27
  • cpe:2.3:a:dell:solutions_enabler_virtual_appliance:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
    • STIX ID: software--de9297a8-fb3c-528a-ad83-1f94107c7d28
  • cpe:2.3:a:dell:unisphere_for_powermax_virtual_appliance:-:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
    • STIX ID: software--51c6df16-dbe6-5005-88d6-0d1bdacf01c0
  • cpe:2.3:a:dell:unisphere_for_powermax_virtual_appliance:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
    • STIX ID: software--b46d4cde-8baf-5819-a94f-7eb7fd68f99f
  • cpe:2.3:o:dell:powermax_os:5978:*:*:*:eem:*:*:*
    • STIX ID: software--41d6de91-e0da-54a0-bc0f-3d8393a4cb56

Thus the following six relationships are created:

  • relationship 1
    • "source_ref": "indicator--f98fd4d1-af26-5dd2-b26c-3fde56527193" (CVE-2023-48662)
    • "target_ref": "software--ba1f35c0-0fdb-50e4-8e46-53fe85708e8c"
    • "relationship_type": "pattern-contains"
  • relationship 2
    • "source_ref": "indicator--f98fd4d1-af26-5dd2-b26c-3fde56527193" (CVE-2023-48662)
    • "target_ref": "software--544e6013-9bf4-5d56-a2d3-7f4cfaae1b27"
    • "relationship_type": "pattern-contains"
  • relationship 3
    • "source_ref": "indicator--f98fd4d1-af26-5dd2-b26c-3fde56527193" (CVE-2023-48662)
    • "target_ref": "software--de9297a8-fb3c-528a-ad83-1f94107c7d28"
    • "relationship_type": "pattern-contains"
  • relationship 4
    • "source_ref": "indicator--f98fd4d1-af26-5dd2-b26c-3fde56527193" (CVE-2023-48662)
    • "target_ref": "software--51c6df16-dbe6-5005-88d6-0d1bdacf01c0"
    • "relationship_type": "pattern-contains"
  • relationship 5
    • "source_ref": "indicator--f98fd4d1-af26-5dd2-b26c-3fde56527193" (CVE-2023-48662)
    • "target_ref": "software--b46d4cde-8baf-5819-a94f-7eb7fd68f99f"
    • "relationship_type": "pattern-contains"
  • relationship 6
    • "source_ref": "indicator--f98fd4d1-af26-5dd2-b26c-3fde56527193" (CVE-2023-48662)
    • "target_ref": "software--41d6de91-e0da-54a0-bc0f-3d8393a4cb56"
    • "relationship_type": "pattern-contains"

Here is the full SRO for relationship 1:

    "type": "relationship",
    "spec_version": "2.1",
    "id": "relationship--4e801b5e-28e5-5cbd-b21d-6e76aab3801a",
    "created_by_ref": "identity--2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3",
    "created": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "modified": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "relationship_type": "pattern-contains",
    "source_ref": "indicator--f98fd4d1-af26-5dd2-b26c-3fde56527193",
    "target_ref": "software--ba1f35c0-0fdb-50e4-8e46-53fe85708e8c",
    "object_marking_refs": [

To generate the ID of SRO;

  • namespace: 2e51a631-99d8-52a5-95a6-8314d3f4fbf3
  • value pattern-contains+nvd_cve_vertex_collection+indicator--f98fd4d1-af26-5dd2-b26c-3fde56527193+nvd_cpe_vertex_collection+software--ba1f35c0-0fdb-50e4-8e46-53fe85708e8c

Gives a UUID v5 of 4e801b5e-28e5-5cbd-b21d-6e76aab3801a.

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Posted by:

David Greenwood

David Greenwood, Do Only Good Everyday

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