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We wanted to distribute STIX 2.1 objects to our community using TAXII. We built a TAXII server coupled with a storage layer to do this. It is called Arango TAXII Server. This post describes how you can get started with it.

Optional pre-reading

If you’re new to TAXII, start by reading these tutorials in our community forum, they will make this post much easier to read:

Install Arango TAXII Server

Follow the instructions here.

If you’re following along with this post I am going to assume you’ve installed an ArangoDB instance locally and your Arango TAXII Server .env file looks like this;

SERVER_EMAIL='[email protected]'

Once you’ve started the Docker container, as per the documentation linked above, you can access the Swagger UI for the API in a browser at:

Arango TAXII Server

Now, before I walk through using Arango TAXII Server, let me start by seeding our server with a Database and some Collections.


Arango TAXII Server considers every database in ArangoDB as a TAXII root.

To create a new Database in ArangoDB:

  • Log in to the web interface (, as root
  • Select _system
  • Select Databases
  • Select Add new Database
  • Create your Database making sure the name ends in _database (e.g. I used taxii_root_demo_database in the video)

Now for the Collections…

ArangoDB uses stix2arango as middle-ware.

As such Arango TAXII Server expects a pair of Collections (one vertex, one edge), named with the suffixes *_vertex_collection and *_edge_collection.

You can use stix2arango to create these collections (recommended).

Alternatively you can create them in the ArangoDB UI (make sure to create them in the correct database):

  • Log in to the web interface (, as root
  • Select the Database you want to add the collections to (e.g. taxii_root_demo_database)
  • Select Collections
  • Select Add new Collection
  • Create your Document Collection making sure the name ends in _vertex_collection (e.g. I used demo_vertex_collection in the video)
  • Create your Edge Collection making sure the name ends in _edge_collection (e.g. I used demo_edge_collection in the video)

User and authentication

Arango TAXII Server uses the ArangoDB user and permissions models.

Arango TAXII Server will only show Databases and Collections a user has either Read or Read/Write permissions to.

In order to use POST and DELETE TAXII endpoints, a user must have Read/Write permissions for the relevant Collection.

Here is a quick demonstration on how to manage user permissions in ArangoDB;

  • Log in to the web interface (, as root
  • Select _system
  • Select Users
  • Select the user you want to change permissions for
  • Select Permissions
  • Assign correct permissions to Databases and/or Collections for selected user

Using Arango TAXII Server

Now I have created a Database, some Collections, and have assigned user permissions I can start using the Arango TAXII Server.

To authenticate against the API, a user must pass their ArangoDB user credentials (base64 encoded) in the header of each request using basic auth as follows;

Authorization: Basic <credentials in base64>

If you want to use the Swagger UI, you can enter your credentials as follows;

Swagger UI authorise

To get all TAXII API Roots (aka ArangoDB Databases) my user is authorised to see:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic REVOKED'
  "title": "Arango TAXII Server",
  "description": "https://github.com/muchdogesec/arango_taxii_server/",
  "contact": "[email protected]",
  "api_roots": [

You can see the taxii_root_demo_database API Root I created in the video above, along with some other Collections already on my server.

I can get info about this API Root as follows

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic REVOKED'
  "max_content_length": 10485760,
  "title": "taxii_root_demo_database",
  "versions": [

Note, Arango TAXII Server only supports STIX 2.1 Objects.

Let’s see what Collections this API Root holds:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic REVOKED'
  "collections": [
      "id": "demo",
      "title": "demo",
      "description": "vertex+edge",
      "can_read": true,
      "can_write": true,
      "media_types": [

You can see only one collection is returned, even though I created two. Remember, that’s because Arango TAXII Server will consider pairs of edge and vertex collections will first be joined before being exposed to the user. So above, demo considers the ArangoDB Collections demo_vertex_collection and demo_edge_collection.

You’ll see my user can both read and write to this Collection. As noted, wether as user can read/write, read or even see a Collection is defined under the permissions of the ArangoDB user.

If there were more collection pairs, and the authenticated user could read them, you’d see them listed in this response too.

To see the objects this Collection holds…

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic REVOKED'
  "more": false,
  "next": null,
  "objects": []

The response is empty because I have not added any Objects to this Collection yet.

Let me do that now.

Here I am adding a Threat Actor (taken from the STIX 2.1 examples):

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic REVOKED' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "objects": [{"type":"threat-actor","spec_version":"2.1","id":"threat-actor--dfaa8d77-07e2-4e28-b2c8-92e9f7b04428","created":"2014-11-19T23:39:03.893Z","modified":"2014-11-19T23:39:03.893Z","name":"Disco Team Threat Actor Group","description":"This organized threat actor group operates to create profit from all types of crime.","threat_actor_types":["crime-syndicate"],"aliases":["Equipo del Discoteca"],"roles":["agent"],"goals":["Steal Credit Card Information"],"sophistication":"expert","resource_level":"organization","primary_motivation":"personal-gain"}]
  "id": "c3c73600-2dd4-4dc1-aece-0b73eb959094",
  "status": "pending",
  "total_count": 1,
  "success_count": 0,
  "successes": [],
  "failure_count": 0,
  "failures": [],
  "pending_count": 1,
  "pendings": [
      "message": null,
      "version": "2024-05-22 13:44:29.664616+00:00",
      "id": "threat-actor--dfaa8d77-07e2-4e28-b2c8-92e9f7b04428"
  "request_timestamp": "2024-05-22T13:44:29.664616Z"

This request returns a status response for the POST request to add objects.

We can check the status of the request at any time as follows;

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic REVOKED'
  "id": "c3c73600-2dd4-4dc1-aece-0b73eb959094",
  "status": "complete",
  "total_count": 1,
  "success_count": 1,
  "successes": [
      "message": null,
      "version": "2024-05-22 13:54:15.089657+00:00",
      "id": "threat-actor--dfaa8d77-07e2-4e28-b2c8-92e9f7b04428"
  "failure_count": 0,
  "failures": [],
  "pending_count": 0,
  "pendings": [],
  "request_timestamp": "2024-05-22T13:54:15.089657Z"

The object has now moved from pending to complete.

If we now retrieve it:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic REVOKED'
  "more": false,
  "next": null,
  "objects": [
      "aliases": [
        "Equipo del Discoteca"
      "created": "2014-11-19T23:39:03.893Z",
      "description": "This organized threat actor group operates to create profit from all types of crime.",
      "goals": [
        "Steal Credit Card Information"
      "id": "threat-actor--dfaa8d77-07e2-4e28-b2c8-92e9f7b04428",
      "modified": "2014-11-19T23:39:03.893Z",
      "name": "Disco Team Threat Actor Group",
      "primary_motivation": "personal-gain",
      "resource_level": "organization",
      "roles": [
      "sophistication": "expert",
      "spec_version": "2.1",
      "threat_actor_types": [
      "type": "threat-actor"
      "aliases": [
        "Equipo del Discoteca"
      "created": "2014-11-19T23:39:03.893Z",
      "description": "This organized threat actor group operates to create profit from all types of crime.",
      "goals": [
        "Steal Credit Card Information"
      "id": "threat-actor--dfaa8d77-07e2-4e28-b2c8-92e9f7b04428",
      "modified": "2014-11-19T23:39:03.893Z",
      "name": "Disco Team Threat Actor Group",
      "primary_motivation": "personal-gain",
      "resource_level": "organization",
      "roles": [
      "sophistication": "expert",
      "spec_version": "2.1",
      "threat_actor_types": [
      "type": "threat-actor"

Because Arango TAXII Server uses stix2arango as middleware, it can also handle updates of objects.

Lets add the same object, with an updated title (NEW TITLE) and modified time (2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z)

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic REVOKED' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "objects": [{"type":"threat-actor","spec_version":"2.1","id":"threat-actor--dfaa8d77-07e2-4e28-b2c8-92e9f7b04428","created":"2014-11-19T23:39:03.893Z","modified":"2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z","name":"NEW TITLE","description":"This organized threat actor group operates to create profit from all types of crime.","threat_actor_types":["crime-syndicate"],"aliases":["Equipo del Discoteca"],"roles":["agent"],"goals":["Steal Credit Card Information"],"sophistication":"expert","resource_level":"organization","primary_motivation":"personal-gain"}]
  "id": "59684531-e636-4b6e-b209-453b0c68df47",
  "status": "pending",
  "total_count": 1,
  "success_count": 0,
  "successes": [],
  "failure_count": 0,
  "failures": [],
  "pending_count": 1,
  "pendings": [
      "message": null,
      "version": "2024-05-22 13:59:31.898585+00:00",
      "id": "threat-actor--dfaa8d77-07e2-4e28-b2c8-92e9f7b04428"
  "request_timestamp": "2024-05-22T13:59:31.898585Z"

If I now check the version endpoint;

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic REVOKED'
  "more": false,
  "next": null,
  "versions": [

We can see both versions in the database.

Using the parameters available on the object endpoint, I can select the desired version of this object. By default, the TAXII server will always return the latest version of the object (in this case 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z).

And that’s 10 minutes!

Our Arango TAXII Server implements the entire TAXII specification.

In this post I have only covered some of the TAXII endpoints and have not shown you how to use the filtering and paging parameters available on them.

My suggestion would be to keep playing with Arango TAXII Server using the Swagger UI interface. You’ll quickly get familiar with how it works and what you can do.

Of course, if you just want to connect a TAXII Client to your Arango TAXII Server install you don’t need to worry about any of this – the Client will handle it all for you!

Posted by:

David Greenwood

David Greenwood, Do Only Good Everyday

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